Our History
The AAUP Chapter at Adelphi has a proud and colorful history. The chapter was first established in the late 1940's and was organized as a collective bargaining chapter in 1973. Over the years, with overwhelming support from our membership, we have been able to wage battles for faculty rights that otherwise would have fallen by the wayside. In collective bargaining, we have made strides that have received national attention and have served as a model for chapters across the country.
Signing the first faculty union contract at Adelphi on April 29 1974.
Our officers, who are elected from the faculty, are active in state and national AAUP committees and twice our chapter has won the prestigious Konheim Award for service in defense of faculty rights.
We rely on our faculty to guide us as we continue to work on your behalf. We know that our younger faculty members have unique concerns while more senior faculty have experience and historical perspective. Both serve as a valuable resource to us and we welcome any and all input and information. We strive to be a resource for faculty—a place to find support and information. Our full-time staff person is available to answer questions or provide guidance whenever necessary. We urge faculty to utilize the services we provide.